Ultimo Dragon

A KANEisKING Picture (Official Pic Taker)

Height: 5 foot 8
Weight: 185 pounds

MASK - obvously this is the most important part of Ultimo. it isn't completely perfect since they don't have shoulder pads in the game but i got something that's as close as it can get. stick with the color green for his mask. you'll see why later.
Tex 34 (green)
Model 3
Tex 0 (default color)
Misc 9 green

Tex A00
model 6
Tex 1 A00
Tex 2 55
Upper Body
Model 6
Left Elbow 4 (black)
L/R wrist 13
Tex 1 (green)
L/R Foot
Model 24 (default color)

the custom ring announcer names have "Ultimo," but no "Dragon," which i find odd.

for Ultimo's moves, i cloned Rey Rey's and then mixed in a bunch of kicks, suplexes, and moonsaults. i also changed his finisher to Tornado DDT since i didn't want him to be too similar to Rey. here are his must-have moves: Asai Moonsault, Dragon Sleeper 2 (floor grapple), La Magistral. also use Taker's Sleeper for his back finisher.

if you can't find a way to rip Ultimo's theme or don't have it yet, you can use Tajiri's for the time being. for his entrance moves, use Hurricane (Default). yea, it looks silly for Ultimo to be posing like Hurricane but the cape adds a lot to the outfit (and it's green!). use Flame 1 for the pyro and time it for 5 seconds.