Evolution entrance (place hhh first then flair then orton)

moves are default
timing 7.3 seconds
length 100 seconds

stage a,b,c colors are the same
1st and second colors are the same

stage d and e colors
1st and 2nd
all 255

ramp lights all groups colors are the same color
a and b
223,54,61 length 4 seconds flash off

ring lights all groups are the same color
247,148,29 length .1 seconds flash on length .1 seconds
animation 1

hall lights on
brightness 1 bright 10
brightness 2 bright 20
length 50 seconds

gate area lights on
color 255,86,157
animation 0
speed 1

ramp and ring area lights are default

flash on
start time 0.0 seconds
length 40 seconds
amount flash 4

camera flash on
amount 5

pyro1 hhh
start 33.0 seconds

music evolution (randy orton or if you have it, the evolution them done by motorhead. i use the motorhead version it is better)

titantron either triple h or ric flair (ric flair is the better choice since his video has to do about being rich and being the man)

there you have it the evolution entrance let me know what you think