Andre The Giant

credit:  Tokyo Ultra


You would not believe how hard it was to get the bottom and top half of his outfit to match and it was black ffs they need to fix this damn CAW tool by the time the next RAW comes out ..I mean it is good but I can do way better..Any way enuff rambling here is the man the myth the biggest mofo to ever step in Da ring the late the GREAT "ANDRE THE GIANT" !

Andre The Giant

Call: 18 01 155 00 "It's Andrew the Giant but it will do"

Hometown: France (Which none of these are towns but isn't it odd it says hometown... )

Height: 7'04 Between 380-540 lbs. (I put 540 hehe)

Face: Model 6 Tex 1 A01 Tex 2 73

Skin: Tex 1 A02
H: 99 99 99
H: 206 157 142
S: 66 66 66

Hair: Model 10 Tex 1 0
H: 0 0 0
H: 0 0 0
S: 47 36 26


Upper Body: Model 26 Tex 1 0
H: 66 66 66
H: 10 10 10
S: 0 0 0

Lower Body: Model 2 Tex 1 2
H: 66 66 66
H: 10 10 10
S: 0 0 0

Feet: Model 18
H: 99 99 99
H: 10 10 10
H: 0 0 0

Scale ( I imagine here is where you will start to say yep now it looks like him... )

All: 122 (WOOT!)

Head: 119 113 113

Neck: 117 106 116


Upper: 120 106 118

Lower: 115 128 128

Shoulders: 98 118 118

Upper Arms: 124 99 121

Forearms: 118 104 123

Hands: 121

Thighs: 108 86 114

Legs: 114 100 117

Feet: 100 120 108

Entrance and Moves I used Big Show you can change it to your liking..Music Burn it or figure it out cause I have forgot it and can't find it yet so I can't compare ATM...Sorry! As for the finisher maybe you can sit on em but well He done a body slam an sit on em so just combine the two in a combo or hell a Powerbomb or Chokeslam I am not gonna judge your continuity so have at it... TOKYO Out!