Paul London


Name: Paul London
Call: I gave him "Paul The Great"
Gender: Male
Hometown: Texas
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 205 lbs
Picture: You guys can pick one
Sign Board: You pick
Voice: Male 3


Skin: T1- B02
Face: Model 4, T1: B08, T2-0
Hair: Model 9, T1-0, (Hue/Shadow: Color sample black)

Upper Body: Model 3
Now for Arms: Get everything off his arms, he wears nothing on his arms. (No elbow pads, wrist bands, nothing...)
Lower Body: Model 9, T1-182 (Hue = 182, 215, 255)
Left/right Knee: Model 2, T1-0, (Shadow = Color Sample Black)
Left/Right Foot: Model 32, T1-5, (Hue = Color Sample Black)

Head: 102
Upper: 98
Lower: 101
Shoulders: (Both) 100
Upper Arms: (Both) 102
Forearms: (Both) 102
Hands: (Both) 101
Thighs: (Both) 104
Legs: (Both) 103
Feet: (Both) 103

Theme: Union Underground - "South Texas Deathride" (Not sure if he still uses this, but its a good song by the same band who sings Raw's intro.)