Mr. Perfect

Skin: B02-default

Face: model - 4
Texture 1 - B01
Texture 2 - 0

Hair: Ok here before match pony tail, during and after its messed up, so

model - 22(pony tail) 11 with texture 1 - during
Highlight - 126, 115, 107
HUE - 220, 193, 95
shadow - 42, 33, 28

Upper Body: model - 16
texture - 0
Highlight, HUE, and shadow - 0, 114, 188

Wrist: model - 1
texture - 2
symmetry - on

lower Body: model - 7
texture - 0
highlight, HUE, and shadow - 0, 114, 188

knees: model - 2
texture - 0
highlight, HUE, and shadow - 31, 31, 31
symmetry - on

feet: model - 18
texture - 0
Highlight and HUE - 255, 255, 255
Shadow - 0, 0, 0

and thats it, for scale, I just made him stocky, cause Hennig was a stocky guy. Moves have fun with, I stink with giving moves, just make sure for the perfect plex hehe